The Quantum Alignment Masterclass
A 6 - Month Intensive
Are you ready to activate your most abundant self?
Are you feeling trapped in a low vibrational money system, longing to shift your abundance story?
Are you feeling stagnant or lost and not sure how to get things flowing again?
Are you ready to receive divine guidance and manifest your desires with ease?
Are you running old stories and programs of lack and low self worth?
Sound Familiar?

It's time to claim the next level of abundance and step into your most abundant self!
As a lightworker, the highest version and most abundant version of you is waiting for you to embody it.
The next level of abundance is all available to you.
It's time to stop playing small and claim it!
These activation's and teaching will help you do just that!

Taught by Shantana Telise, founder of the Abundance Mastermind Program, a spiritual medium and channel who has dedicated her life to her spiritual path and helping others unlock their gifts.
Shantana’s journey through business was marked by struggles with abundance and manifestation. Despite receiving powerful transmissions from spirit on what to offer, things never seemed to work out. She faced numerous challenges and setbacks that tested her faith and determination. It was through deep inner work that she realized the key to her success: understanding her worthiness of abundance and success. This profound realization was a significant part of her soul's journey.
By connecting with her spiritual team and doing the necessary inner work, Shantana was able to transform her relationship with abundance. She began to see real results and stepped into her true potential. Now, she shares these insights with others, helping them to channel their own guides, heal past wounds, and step into a life of abundance and fulfillment. Shantana's greatest joy comes from teaching others how to achieve success without fear, empowering them to embrace their spiritual gifts and live their highest purpose.
The mind set of knowing, feeling and believing you are worthy of love, money and achieving your goals and desires.
A higher more abundant and spiritual version of you is available for you to activate and embody.

You will receive 192 powerful activation's, processes and teachings in these 6 months.
They are designed to:
Shift you to higher realities
Activate your money and abundance grids
Teach you manifestation techniques that work and are channeled directly from spirit
Activate your DNA
Raise you up to live from a unconditional love vibration
Shift you from a business of lack to one of prosperity
Clear out old contracts that are not serving your highest good
Activate your 5th dimensional self
Open your abundance pathways
Reset and remove old programs, ancestral traumas and contracts so that you can:
Step into your soul purpose without the trauma of those that came before.
fully embody the wealth and abundance you deserve.
Manifest your hearts desires
Open and expand your energy centers and connect with your psychic abilities.
Feel confident in setting strong boundaries and seeing your self worth.
Raise your vibration and live from a 5th dimensional state.
This program is going to rapidly shift your life, you will not be the same person coming out as you are now.
You will also receive two 1:1 zoom calls with me each month for support and additional healing.
That is a total of twelve 1:1 calls with me.
You will receive additional between calls support through voxer.
This is not just a healing program, but also a course to teach you techniques on how to manifest, energetic care, boundaries teaching and so much more.
We will give you the strong foundation of healing, upgrades, teachings and meditations that you need to step out as a whole new person. If you are ready to shift multiple realities and into that 5D consciousness then this is the right move for you to make.
This is shifting your energetic foundation to shift your physical reality.
If you are ready to shift your business, relationships and your own self into abundance.
If you are ready to align with your soul purpose and create an impact here on this earth then this is for you.
The Quantum alignment masterclass
A 6 month energetic healing, activating, upgrading and learning experience to help you to shift into your 5D self.
Full of manifestation processes and techniques to assist you in creating your new reality of abundance and love.
Get confident in setting strong healthy boundaries.
This is an activation program and a course in one
You will be receiving weekly teachings and activation's to lift you up and embody your most abundant and activated self.
I am here to support you through this journey. It is my soul purpose to teach, activate and guide lightleaders like yourself, to reach their fullest potential.
Are you ready to step into your most abundant self?
As a channel for spirit, a psychic, energy healer and spiritual teacher, understanding how to work with energies, frequencies and vibrations has helped me to expand and raise my vibration to align with my souls work and purpose.
It is through working on myself over the years that I have been able to align myself to new levels of wealth and abundance.
The money is there, so is the abundance. Its just on a different frequency and it is now time to align with it.
The life you want can be yours, are you ready to accept it and take the shot to receive it?

Here's What Patrica Costa a satisfied client, has to say:
Hello everyone! Just wanted to share my experience, especially for anyone thinking about working with Shantana in the Quantum Alignment Masterclass.
I have been working with Shantana for about 8 weeks now and the changes I’ve seen not just in myself but different aspects of my life have been unbelievable. Within the first week I went from feeling stuck, lost and unmotivated to getting up and being productive first thing in the morning… something that has never been easy for me! I’ve learned so much about myself while doing so much energetically, and we are just 1/4 of the way into the program!
Shantana has helped me to learn about my gifts, develop them and my confidence in using them and has always provided the support and encouragement I needed to step into my light. Within the first 6 weeks I had a detailed business plan and held my first event! This was all during the week we shifted timelines and even my husband got multiple job offers after months of rejections! A huge weight has been lifted off our shoulders financially and we still have so much more work to do!
More recently we’ve been working on energetic clearing and I had so much negative stuff come up that I needed extra support, Shantana was there telling me exactly what I needed to do in order to get through it and keep moving forward. Our bi-weekly calls have been so great for staying on track and game planning next steps.
She truly has been such a blessing in my family and I’s life! I highly encourage anyone that wants to completely shift their life into the life that they’ve always dreamed of… the life you deserve… work with Shantana in the Quantum Alignment Masterclass… it will give you all of the tools and energetic healing and shifting to change your life and align you with your highest purpose!
If anyone has any questions, please feel free to ask!
Sign up now to work 1:1 with me now!
Videos will be released weekly!
Calls: You can book each month 2 1:1 calls with me
Location: Zoom
Pre-recorded Classes;
Have questions or want to see if this program is right for you?
Schedule a free 20-minute call with Shantana to find out! Book your call here:
Or Email me at: shantana@shantanatelisehealing.com

192 activation's and teachings include:
Manifestation techniques
Prosperity and gratitude codes
Manifestation healing
Higher self alignment
Attraction teachings
Magnetization processes
Emerald gridding
Calling in money and abundance
Gridding processes
Self worth work