3 levels of the akashic records combined into one course.
The Akashic Records are the library of you. It has all of the information about your soul within.
Information such as:
Soul origin
The number of lifetimes you have lived on earth
Your soul gifts
Your soul purpose
What you are here to do in this lifetime
Soul lessons
Soul guidance
Soul type
Soul ray
Main guides you work with
Soul contracts
Health issues
karmic ties and lessons
Past lives
Module 1:
pendulum work
Psychic abilities
Creating a sacred space
How to access the Akashic records
How to work with your spirit guide in the akashic records
What you will find in the records and where they are located
Psychic activations
Chakra clearing and negative energy removal
Working with the higher self
Consciousness activation
Energy transference
Breath work
Module 2:
Working with higher dimensional beings
Activation phrase for accessing your records
Accessing your own records
The violet flame in the records
What your gifts and abilities are
Gaining access to higher dimensional records
Going into the Atlantean records
Atlantean activations
The Book of the soul
Meditation into your records
Questions to ask
Past life work
Contract work
Energetic grids
Communication with your soul
Closing your records
Module 3:
How to access someone else's records
Activation phrase for accessing someone else's records
How to access past lives and clear them
Clearing contracts, vows, oaths for others
Working with someone else's higher self
Working to someone else's spirit guide
Exercises to help your confidence grow
Closing the records
Separating your energy from theirs
Meeting the main guides that work with who you are reading
In this course, you will learn how to read your's and other's Akashic records.
The goal in the program is to give you a strong foundation of working with energy, but to also keep it as simple as possible. Anyone can work in the Akashic records and there are many ways to do it. This way is channelled through from my spirit guide that is working with the Akashic Records.